My Daily Gain

This is a blog of my daily devotions (or my daily gain). Why gain? In reading and studying God's Word each day, I'm gaining. I'm gaining in my walk with Him, in my relationship with Him, in wisdom, in knowledge, and in life. If you are a Christian, take time each day to read the Bible. If you aren't a Christian I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Third Judgment (Genesis 11)

"Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech." - Gen 11:7

This passage has three parts. 1) The story of Babel (vs. 1-9). 2) Genealogy of Shem to Abram (vs. 10-26). 3) Finally an introduction to Abram (vs. 27-32).

First, the story of Babel is one of significant because it's the reason people speak different languages. This chapter clearly teachers that before the tower of Babel everyone spoke the same language (vs. 1). Together the people wanted to build a tower to heaven and they found that together they could do much, but God said no. It was the third judgment of humans. The curse (Gen 3:14-19), the flood (Gen 6) and the tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9). God confused their language, now is this when we first start seeing nations? I know that now days different nations are based on different languages. Before the tower of Babel it seems that everyone stayed in the same area with no real differences. After Babel we start seeing groups of people forming "nations". Anyway, this judgment of God is a lesson to us to not try to do too much on our own and that we should rely on God.

Second part, the genealogy we see (in a similar way to chapter 5) the connection between Noah and Abram. Some scholars say that there was at least 1,000 years between the two. We know that Abram is dated to about 2150 BC. You may also notice that people started living shorter and shorter. We will now see people no longer living over 200 years.

Finally we see the first glimpse into the family of Abram. We will see much of him later, but for now let’s note a few things. Abram was from Ur, and entered the land of Canaan (v. 31), which later would be the Promised Land for the Israelites. We see Sarai (Abram's wife) for the first time, and see that she is barren. God greatly used Abram and He can greatly use us.

Verse of the day: "No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us." - 1 John 4:12

For your reading:
The Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 3-4 and Hebrews 11:20-40
Daily Bread: Deuteronomy 6:4-9


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