My Daily Gain

This is a blog of my daily devotions (or my daily gain). Why gain? In reading and studying God's Word each day, I'm gaining. I'm gaining in my walk with Him, in my relationship with Him, in wisdom, in knowledge, and in life. If you are a Christian, take time each day to read the Bible. If you aren't a Christian I'd love to hear from you.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

God's in Control (Genesis 13)

"I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, si that if anyone can number the dust if the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered." - Gen 13:16

When Abram returned to the land of Canaan, he had much wealth, and Lot also had much wealth. This means that they both had lots of herds and livestock. With the land of Canaan already populated hey were limited in where they could settle.

There seemed to be two areas to settle. Abram being unselfish gave the choice to Lot. Lot chose the land that was very fertile, but was filled with wicked people, this will come back to hurt Lot in the future. But the land that Abram got was part of God's promise. God knew which land Lot would choose, and it was part of His plan.

God has everything under His control. Today, we had family crisis. We were all wondering, and hoping things were okay. They turned out to be okay, but God was in control and did not alow any horrible things to happen, and we are greatful. A missionary from our church resently got in a horrible car accident. They are doing much better now, but for a while things were not looking good. The question we often ask is, "why?" But we don't have to know, because God knows, and He will work all things out according to His plan.

The next section of scripture is where God gives Abram a little more of His promise. We of course will see the full convient later. For know God tells us that akk the will be Abram's. North, south, east and west that land will be his (vs. 14-15). We also see that his descendents will be large in number, lie the dust of the earth (v. 16). After this promise Abram once again gives an altar to the Lord.

Verse of the day: "Every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." - Hebrews 3:4

For your reading:
The Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 8-10 and Hebrews 13
Daily Bread: Philippians 3:13-21


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